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时间: 2018-06-22 19:33; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

DeepMind, Google's artificial intelligence subsidiary in London, has developed a self-training vision computer that generates "a full 3D model of a scene from just a handful of 2D snapshots", according to its chief executive.


The system, called the Generative Query Network, can then imagine and render the scene from any angle, said Demis Hassabis.


GQN is a general-purpose system with a vast range of potential applications, from robotic vision to virtual reality simulation.


"Remarkably, the DeepMind scientists developed a system that relies only on inputs from its own image sensors -- and that learns autonomously and without human supervision," said Matthias Zwicker, a computer scientist at the University of Maryland.


This is the latest in a series of high-profile DeepMind projects, which are demonstrating a previously unanticipated ability by AI systems to learn by themselves, once their human programmers have set the basic parameters.


In October DeepMind's AlphaGo taught itself to play Go, the ultra-complex board game, far better than any human player. Last month another DeepMind AI system learned to find its way around a maze, in a way that resembled navigation by the human brain.


Future GQN systems promise to be more versatile and to require less processing power than today's computer vision techniques, which are trained with large data sets of annotated images produced by humans.


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