It's still "Wakanda forever."
The superhero mega-hit "Black Panther" won for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a motion picture at Sunday night's Screen Actors Guild Awards.在周日晚的美国演员工会奖颁奖礼上,超级英雄大片《黑豹》赢得了电影类最佳群戏奖。The actors were shut out of any individual nominations, but that didn't seem to matter when the cast, led by star Chadwick Boseman, took to the stage to accept the event's top prize.没有任何一位《黑豹》演员获得个人奖项提名,但他们似乎一点也不在意。在查德维克·博斯曼的带领下,众主创高高兴兴地上台领取了当晚最高奖项。Touching on the cultural impact of the film, starring a black cast, Boseman delivered a powerful speech that included a reference to Nina Simone's legendary song, "To Be Young, Gifted and Black."领衔主演《黑豹》的博斯曼发表了一段有力的演讲,他谈到了这部黑人阵容电影的文化影响力,还提到了妮娜·西蒙的传奇歌曲《作为一名年轻、有才华的黑人》。"We know what it's like to be told there's not a screen for you to be featured on, a stage for you to be featured on. We know what it's like to be the tail, but not the head," Boseman said. "We know what it's like to be beneath, but not above. And that is what we went to work with every day."“我们知道被告知没有自己能主演的电影、没有自己能肆意挥洒的舞台是什么感觉。我们知道只能做尾、不能做头是什么感觉,”博斯曼说,“我们知道只能做绿叶不能做红花是什么感觉。这就是我们这些黑人演员每天都在面对的现状。”"Because we knew not that we would be around during awards season or that it would make a billion dollars, but we knew that we had something special that we wanted to give the world," he added. "That we could be full human beings in the roles that we were playing. That we could create a world that exemplified a world that we wanted to see."“我们不知道自己是否有机会获奖或者票房能否大卖,但我们知道我们有特别的东西想献给这个世界,”他说道,“因此我们在自己演绎的角色中能成为完整的人,我们能创造一个我们想看到的理想世界。”But it was what Boseman said at the close of his speech that has fans most excited.但是最让粉丝们激动的是博斯曼演讲快结束时说的一句话。"I know you can't have a 'Black Panther' now without a '2' on it," he said.他说:“我知道你们现在已经不满足于只有一部《黑豹》了。”Backstage after their win, some members of the cast talked about a follow to "Black Panther."在领完奖后,该片的一些演员在后台谈到了《黑豹》的续集。"I think it's a movie that stands against all film across the board," Michael B. Jordan said. "So yeah, I think if there was an opportunity [for a sequel], I think everybody would be pretty excited to come back around."
“我认为《黑豹》可以媲美其他任何一部电影。”迈克尔·B·乔丹说,“所以,是的,我想如果有机会拍续集的话,大家都会很乐意回归剧组。”Actor Sterling K. Brown noted that "Black Panther" director Ryan Coogler is already on board.演员斯特尔林·K·布朗指出,《黑豹》导演瑞恩·库格勒已经在筹划续集。"[Coogler] doesn't lose, you know what I'm saying," Brown said. "Bruh is three-for-three, he's gonna be four-for-four.“库格勒不打败仗,你知道我的意思,”布朗说:“人家是三次上场三次上垒,他就要做到四次上场四次上垒。”Brown also shouted out the Marvel team and its head, Kevin Feige.布朗还对着漫威团队和漫威大佬凯文·费奇隔空喊话。"Feige, he's a beast, man," Brown said. "He ain't going to slip. 'Godfather II.' Like, be ready."“费奇,他真是太猛了。”布朗说,“他不会失手的。下一部《黑豹》肯定和《教父2》一样精彩,做好准备吧。”