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时间: 2018-06-08 16:23; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

Victoria Beckham is launching her own YouTube channel for beauty tips and styling tutorials to the excitement of fans. 维多利亚贝克汉姆正式创建了自己的YouTube频道,提供美容秘诀和造型教程,这让粉丝们兴奋不已。 The fashion designer and businesswoman announced her newest endeavour on Instagram in a short clip with YouTube's fashion and beauty director Derek Blasberg. 这位时装设计师和女商人在Instagram上上传的短片中,和YouTube的时尚和美容总监德雷克布拉斯伯格一起宣布她的最新计划。 “Today I have special news to share,” Beckham wrote on November 24. “I will be launching my own YouTube channel with beauty tutorials, styling tips and lots of stuff from me.” 维多利亚于11月24日写道:“今天我要分享一个特别的新闻。我将推出自己的YouTube频道,其中包括美容教程,造型技巧和很多东西。” In the first new YouTube video, which was shot during September's London Fashion Week after a celebration of the 10-year anniversary of her eponymous fashion line, Beckham revealed to Blasberg details of her “new chapter.” 在第一个拍摄于9月的伦敦时装周期间的YouTube视频中,也就是维多利亚在庆祝其同名时装系列十周年的时候,她向布拉斯伯格透露了她“新篇章”的细节。 “I really feel that now I can put my foot on the gas and do everything that I've wanted to do for a long, long time,” she said, after joking that fans will also be able to see Blasberg “naked” on the channel because it's what “they want, what they really really want.” “我真的觉得,现在我终于可以放手做我很长很长一段时间来想做的事情了,”她说,还开玩笑说粉丝们也能看到布拉斯伯格“赤身裸体”因为这才是“粉丝真正想看的东西”。

The fashion icon also expressed her excitement at being able to use the social media platform to connect with her customers. 这位时尚领头人也表达了她对能够使用社交媒体平台与更多客户联系的兴奋。 She explained: “I'm really, really excited to reach out to my customer and get to know him or her better. 她解释说:“我真的非常高兴能够与我的客户联系并更好地了解他或她。 On Beckham's YouTube channel, which has more than 22,000 subscribers, viewers can already get a glimpse into her life through previously-uploaded makeup tutorials and up-close looks at her runway shows. 在拥有超过22,000名订阅者的维多利亚YouTube频道上,观众们已经可以通过之前上传的化妆教程和近距离拍摄的她的时装秀来了解她的生活。 The new launch is expected to be much more personal - with content from Beckham herself. 大家都期待新的视频将更加个性化 - 来自维多利亚本人的内容。 So far, the announcement has been met with joy from fans of Beckham, who have already watched the video more than 14,000 times on YouTube and nearly 900,000 times on Instagram. 到目前为止,维多利亚的粉丝都为此消息感到非常高兴,他们已经在YouTube上观看了超过14,000次视频,在Instagram上观看了近90万次。

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